Right now I am sitting in a beautiful, air conditioned library just 5 minutes from the church we are staying at in Live Oak, FL. We rode 54 miles today in 89 degrees. I won’t say it wasn’t difficult or that my butt wasn’t ready to fall off, but the days pass surprisingly fast. We stopped for lunch in
Our ride today was literally on all the same road, 90West. 54 miles on one road is not so fun…we had to stop many times, not only for our butts but also for some enjoyment. At one point we had an extended sing-a-long but we soon ran out of breath, haha. We really are out in the boonies here…it was excitement to see buildings. But the town we’re staying in now seems pretty hoppin. We’ll see how it goes. The library closes in 15 minutes so I’m going to try to update my pictures; check it out! Oh, is anyone reading this? Make some comments or send me some emails and update me on your lives! much love :)
I'm reading! Went to the Monroe Strawberry Festival today. It took 2 hours because Daddy had to stop and let every kid pet Zoey. But we got Leonard some baby swans.
I couldn't properly identify said tree from the picture. I need at least a bark sample, dried leaf, or seed casing. Actually not sure if that last one is a technical term. Thanks for the pic and hope the third sixty mile day goes well!
Much love,
I read it every day. Love the pictures. Cait, did you ride the 60 miles all before noon?? Wednesday I start training on the tredmill for all the walking we will do in the Ukraine in August. I know I'll regret not starting sooner but am soooo busy getting ready for Martin's parents on Tuesday.
Aunt Cathy
Hey Cait!!! Good riding!!! You must be saddle-sore by now. I hurt from simply weeding with your Aunt!!!
Hope that you were able to hook up from the road with your Dad for Father's day. Eat, sleep. drink copius amounts of water.
I'll be watching you....
i'm reading too!
and plotting ways to help you exceed the 6000 calories per day requirement --- muah ha ha
the trip sounds exhausting but amazing so far, and i can't wait to hear more about it!
i'm so proud of you!!
the spanish hombre
But of course what else would I be doing with my spare summer time?
I can definitely think of some ways to help you spend those calories, too bad I can't bike along side of you (or at least ride along in a wagon attached to your bike)and feed you homemade melissa cookies....
Keep updating, I love the pics and the stories!
you're such a little rock star. word from teh BC post office guy is i'll get the letter returned to me that failed to make it into your mail dropishness... but you have another piece of lovin on its waaay
ps i just discovered this whole blog/comment function... prepare for stalkage :-)
I'm reading! This sounds amazing. Can't wait to hear more. Thinking about you, talk to you soon!
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